Have you ever wanted to make your own laundry detergent? I have two thrifty friends, well okay, I have alot of thrifty friends, but two who are a little more into making things themselves and we were discussing no poo, shampooing your hair without shampoo and the topic turned to laundry detergent. I decided to give it a go and see how it turned out.
They were both kind to share their thoughts with me. The first used this link, http://www.thefamilyhomestead.com/laundrysoap.htm, as a guide and then tweaked it to her liking. I used a mixture of her tweaked version and the linked version to make ours this evening.
They were both kind to share their thoughts with me. The first used this link, http://www.thefamilyhomestead.com/laundrysoap.htm, as a guide and then tweaked it to her liking. I used a mixture of her tweaked version and the linked version to make ours this evening.
3 gallon bucket
Washing Soda
Fels Naptha Soap
20 Mule Team Borax
First off, a bit about finding the items. The washing soda and borax weren't too hard to find. I bought the borax at Target, but they didn't have the washing soda. So went into Publix next door. They had the washing soda but were sold out of the Fels Naptha. We hit a Kroger a few days later and scored the soap! At both stores that carried this item it was found on the top shelf and was very hard to see! It was also pushed back and you had to reach super far to get it! So look hard or get someone tall to help you. All of these were down the laundry aisle, but not necessarily close to the laundry detergent.
I did find them on Amazon at a HUGE mark up though! I paid $.99 for the soap and about $3 each for the other two.
This entire process didn't take long at all. 30 minutes max and that was with a kid having fun grating the soap. I would say you could easily make it all in 10. I was surprised at how fast the soap melted.
So to sum up what I used -
1/2 bar fels naptha soap
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup washing soda
3 gallons of water
Thanks Teresa and Tifani for your guidance in making my own laundry soap.
For comparison Teresa uses -
1 bar fels naptha
1/2 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
mixed in 5-6 gallon bucket (filled to top)
then fills her bottles with half water and half mixture
If you found this helpful please leave me a comment letting me know! Also if you have a question I'll be happy to try and answer it. I am by no means expert, just trying new things out!